Why A Creative Learning Camp Is Important For Your Kids Right Now

In the last few years, it's become fairly common to see 8-year-olds expertly operate an iPad or other electronic devices. People have also shared the concern that their children refuse to eat without something playing on the television. There are others who say their kids are spending more time playing games on their parents’ phones than outdoors. If this wasn’t already a huge cause of worry, COVID-19 has made it difficult for kids to play outside. Stuck inside, they are turning to screens even more.
So what can parents do? They cannot let their child interact with other kids physically. Schools are closed and they cannot send them to any extra-curricular classes. How do they keep their children engaged in a developmental activity?
Ironically, it's smartphones and tablets that have presented itself as a solution during this time.
While kids can't take part in summer camps this year, technology has made it possible for them to take part in all of the same activities and more through online creative learning camps.
Why Should You Enroll Your Kids For SABIA’s Online Creative Learning Camp?

Being creative is not just important for emotional development. While it is good for our mental health to have an emotional outlet like painting, writing, and dancing, almost every career requires a ‘creative’ person. A creative person solves problems effectively and makes an organization better.
So how is creativity built?
People like to believe that creativity is something that just comes naturally to people. We can assure you that it is not the case. Like every other skill and talent, creativity is cultivated over a long period of time through hard work and perseverance.
Encouraging your child to read will help them become empathetic and sensitive to other people. Learning to play an instrument will introduce them to hard work and discipline. Putting on a dance performance will make them confident. Drawing and painting allow a child to express and communicate their emotions.
Exposing children to creative elements not only ensures their personal growth but more importantly these activities allow them to have fun! That may not sound important but in a highly competitive world, children need to have fun. They need to enjoy the process of hard work and not always focus on achievement. Doing this builds mental strength in them from a young age.
SABIA's online creative camp is an opportunity for kids from ages 5 to 16 to learn five different subjects.
The subjects are dance, writing, painting, music, and photography and will be taught by professionals at a nominal cost of ₹500 per subject. Each subject will be covered in-depth over a period of 8 classes.
The classes will be divided into two groups of ages 5-10 and 11-16. The curriculum of each age group will be tailored and curated with respect to their abilities. The teachers are all experienced professionals in their fields and will follow an interactive and organized schedule. The funds raised by the online creative learning camp will sustain SABIA's efforts of expansion into Kashmir and Bangalore.

It is an affordable opportunity for parents to enroll their kids in something that would be extremely beneficial to their growth. It will also keep them engaged during the quarantine period.
Let your child explore. Observe if they gravitate towards any activities and gently encourage them. Creative expression will help in their overall development as a human being. We haven't forgotten the competitive spirit of children either! There are prizes to be won and certificates to be collected at the end of camp.

Whether it is learning some signature Bollywood moves, a poem about their pet dog, or a beautiful family picture, your children will surely take something away from this camp. So come and join in exploring creativity!