"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work; Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace." On the occasion of world peace day, I had a great story telling session today. When i asked my students to draw a picture of peace, they came up with very good answers. They talked about our freedom fighters and how they helped India achieve its freedom from British with the weapons of Peace and harmony. Some pictured the Calm Gautam Buddha's statue and told me that whenever they see his statue the feeling of peace comes to their mind. Later, I told them a beautiful story on peace where a king offers a prize to the best picture depicting peace. The picture which got the first prize had a bird sitting calmly on a branch of a tree, protecting her nest in the midst of a thunderstorm. There were many storms and the rain poured hard. Raindrops were hitting her wings but she stayed calm and protective of her little ones. The mother bird knows the weapon to use against heavy storms is to simply stay peaceful and calm. She knows the storms will disappear soon." Thus, the kids learnt a lesson today through this story that a peaceful state of mind is the solution to every problem. They promised if someone teases them they will not tease him back. They will be calm and peaceful and one day the teasing will not affect them. Staying calm with all our problems around and having patience is the key to solve any problem in this world. 😇 That was the lesson on this "World Peace day"!